

英语小故事演讲2分钟 The Little Story of the Big Fish

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The Little Story of the Big Fish

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between two vast oceans, there lived a young girl named Sarah. Sarah was a curious and adventurous soul, always eager to explore the world around her. She spent her days wandering through the forest and along the river, searching for new adventures. Little did she know, one day she would embark on a journey that would change her life forever.

As Sarah grew older, she began to notice a strange phenomenon happening in the river. The fish, usually quite peaceful and easy-going, were acting strange. They were swimming in strange patterns, and their scales were a strange shade of blue. Sarah couldn't understand why the fish were behaving in this way, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

One day, as Sarah was swimming through the water, she came across a massive fish unlike any she had ever seen. It was huge, with scales as blue as the sky and fins that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Sarah was both amazed and a little frightened by the creature.

The fish began to communicate with Sarah, in a way that she couldn't understand. It spoke to her about the importance of the river, and the role it plays in the balance of life. Sarah listened intently, and although she didn't understand the language of the fish, she could sense their wisdom and intelligence. And yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the story.

Over the next few weeks, Sarah continued to see the fish, and they became more and more important to her. She spent every free moment with them, swimming and laughing with them. And she noticed that the fish were behaving differently, too. They were working together, in a way that Sarah had never seen before. She couldn't understand why, but she knew that it was important.

One day, as Sarah was swimming through the water, she felt a powerful splash hit her face. She turned to see a massive fish, with scales as blue as the sky, swimming towards her. Sarah knew that this was the end, and she was both relieved and a little sad. She didn't want to leave the fish that had become her friends, but she knew that it was important for the fish to live on, too.

As the fish swam closer and closer, Sarah realized that it was trying to communicate with her again. This time, it spoke in a language that Sarah recognized. It was asking her to help it, to help the other fish, to help the river. Sarah couldn't understand the full meaning of its words, but she knew that she had to help. And so, she dived deeper into the water, swimming as fast as she could, to help the fish.

After what felt like an eternity, Sarah finally reached the source of the river. She emerged from the water, gasping for breath. And there, in the spot where she had swam with the fish, was a massive school of fish, swimming in the exact same pattern as the one that had spoken to her. They were all together, and they seemed to be swimming in harmony, as if they had just swam into a perfect symphony.

Sarah couldn't believe what she was seeing. She had helped this magical fish, and in return, it had helped her to understand the importance of the river and the role it plays in the world. She knew that the fish were not just animals, but symbols of something much deeper. They were a reminder that we are all part of something greater than ourselves, and that by helping each other, we can all thrive.

The End



哇!这个故事真的太短小精悍了! 2分钟就讲完了,但感觉很有意思啊,尤其是最后那个鱼儿是怎么变化成大鱼的结局超级惊喜!









听完这篇 “The Little Story of the Big Fish” 后,让我感觉很温暖,希望我们都能像那条小鱼一样,充满勇气和信心去追寻梦想。









这篇短文讲得非常有趣,但是我觉得对于英语学习者来说,难度还是稍微有些高 ,希望后续可以提供一些更容易理解的版本!






这个故事虽然简短的,但是故事的主题很有深度啊,感觉它在诉说着人生有很多阶段,无论经历什么最终都会回到最初的本真。 挺有哲理的。












我觉得这个 “The Little Story of the Big Fish” 做得很好,能把这么一个深刻的寓意用简洁的故事表达出来,语言优美易于理解,非常推荐给大家看一看。










