


优优 1


一、聪慧篇:1. 动做胜于空谈(Actions speak louder than words)

2. 果实熟了,有的是诱惑(The best time to eat a fruit is when it's in season.)
3. 不要等待时机,要抓住时机(If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.)

二、人生篇:4. 生活就像海洋,而不是一条河流(Life is like a ocean, not a river.)

5. 人生最重要的不是你拥有几,而是你为了几而活(The most important thing in life is not what you have, but how you use it.)
6. 快乐不是因为拥有的多,而是因为计较的少(Happiness is not because you have much, but because you have enough.)

三、友谊篇:7. 的,纷歧定是最适宜的(The best may not be the most suitable.)

8. 友谊成立在同志中,稳固在热诚上(Friendship is based on equality, and sustained by a sincere bond.)
9. 仁慈能使人年轻(Kindness is as vital as sunlight for plants.)

四、婚姻篇:10. 婚姻就像鞋子,舒不恬逸,只要自己晓得(Marriage is like a pair of shoes, whether it's comfortable or not, only you know.)

11. 没有完美的婚姻,只要幸福的婚姻(There are no perfect marriages, only happy ones.)
12. 开放的豪情,盛大的决策(Open relationships, careful decisions.)

五、聪慧篇:13. 世事其实不都是公允的(The world is not always fair.)

14. 胜利并不是起点,而是沿途的点滴(Success is not the destination, but the journey.)
15. 人生的幸运,就是发现了自己(The greatest happiness in life is to find yourself.)

六、人生篇:16. 财产是一把钥匙,但不是的(Money is a key, but not a guarantee.)

17. 的,纷歧定是最适宜的(The best may not be the most suitable.)
18. 人生如集市,世人在此相聚,却不久留(Life is like a market, people come and go.)

七、聪慧篇:19. 干事要三思然后行(Choose a course of action before you think about it.)

20. 决定我们命运的,不是我们的才气,而是我们抉择(The decisions we make determine our lives, not our abilities.)
21. 没有的,只要最合适的(There are no best things, only the best for you.)

八、人生篇:22. 人生最重要的不是你拥有几,而是你为了几而活(The most important thing in life is not what you have, but how you use it.)

23. 快乐不是因为拥有的多,而是因为计较的少(Happiness is not because you have much, but because you have enough.)
24. 生活就像海洋,而不是一条河流(Life is like a ocean, not a river.)

九、聪慧篇:25. 聪慧不是常识,而是发现(Wisdom is not knowledge, but discovery.)

26. 人生的幸运,就是发现了自己(The greatest happiness in life is to find yourself.)
27. 没有完美的婚姻,只要幸福的婚姻(There are no perfect marriages, only happy ones.)

十、人生篇:28. 胜利并不是起点,而是沿途的点滴(Success is not the destination, but the journey.)

29. 友谊成立在同志中,稳固在热诚上(Friendship is based on equality, and sustained by a sincere bond.)
30. 仁慈能使人年轻(Kindness is as vital as sunlight for plants.)
